Getting started with Robot Framework + Selenium for automation testing (3) — Test with selenium library

Peng Zhang
5 min readDec 23, 2020

Last section we talked about some key components for Robot Framework and successfully ran our first test. However, like what I said at the end, we can perform web/mobile automation testing by equipping Robot Framework with some other libraries. As is known to many people, Selenium used to play a vital role in the world of automation testing (nowadays there are other options as well), and we can pretty much simulate all major user actions on web applications. Therefore, having selenium included as a standalone python library seems inevitable and indispensable.

We can install selenium library by using pip again: pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary:

Now let’s create a new project called “GoogleTest”. As the name suggests, we will be performing our test on Google website this time:

In the import section, click on Library button, enter “SeleniumLibrary” (Letter S and L need to be upper…



Peng Zhang

Tester with enthusiasm, dedicated to sharing of software testing related skills