Getting started with Robot Framework + Selenium for automation testing (8) — Design test project with page object model

Peng Zhang
5 min readJan 1, 2021

In the last section we recreated our GoogleTest project by involving a resource file to store keywords and variables, which achieves the purpose of separating test case, variable and keyword. Now the project structure looks like below:

The solution looks good, but there is one test case in our project only. In reality, there could be hundreds and even thousands of test cases in your regression suite, which makes test management remarkably important. To be frank, using a proper design pattern for test management can significantly reduce redundant code, increase execution speed, and thus lead to a more robust automation system.

Page object model has been one of the most popular design patterns over the years. There are a few major points if we do a quick recap for POM here: 1. For every single page/module there should be a class; 2. Each class should only contain variables and functions for that particular page; 3. Variables should be stored in a centralised location called “object repository”. Project wise, page object model usually has the following…



Peng Zhang
Peng Zhang

Written by Peng Zhang

Tester with enthusiasm, dedicated to sharing of software testing related skills

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